Thursday, January 21, 2010

Final Blog - Unit 10

well, tonight I am writing my final blog for Communications class, however, I have decided that I am going to keep my blog and update it weekly if not more. I enjoy blogging, it gives me a chance to voice my opinion about something or to just vent, after all, we all need to vent and if there isn't anyone to listen why not blog it!

I finished my project and I hope it is within the requirements to obtain an A as I did quite a bit of research but did find a lot of the sites and ebooks gave the same information regarding my topic which was on "Menopause the effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy." I even included my own personal experience with menopause since personal experience is one of the best sources of information.

I am not happy with my grade at this point in time, since I did my unit 6 project but not sure what I was thinking, did 3 paragraphs instead of 3 pages must have been tired since I was up late every night researching the topic. I redid the project and turned it but of course, was told it was late and lost 120 points which really hurt my grade. I have been an honor roll student all year and this class just blew that grade. Oh well, I'll just have to "kick it up a notch" as Emeril would say, and get my honor roll status back!

I wish everyone the best and hope to see some of my classmates in my future classes.

Ciao', Joanne

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week 9

It's week 9 and I have three classes to finish writing papers for and an exam for anatomy. I am not stressing, I have complete faith in myself that I will have everything finished by the deadline. I'm not worried at all! Taking communications II has been a very enlightening experience for me and I've learned a great deal about writing. I never realized writing was so involved but the final product is well worth the work. I just hope I addressed everything of interest regarding the topic that I chose. I found blogging to be fun and I may just set up a new blog and keep blogging just for the heck of it. It's sort of like keeping a diary but on line.

I am tired of the cold weather here in Maryland and hope February and March pass by quickly so that spring arrives it makes everything so pretty and alive. Winter is dreary and boring and I've had enough of the cold. Is it spring yet??????

I want to finish classes have one week off to concentrate on job hunting and applications and take in some movies. I hibernate during the winter months then I let loose in the spring, summer and fall.

well, off to finish writing. In case anyone reads this have a good day! Joanne

Monday, January 4, 2010

Woo Hoo, it's Monday another day another cold, windy day in Maryland!

Well, it's a new year and my 20 yr. old son has the swine flu. Thank goodness, he listened to me and went to the doctor this morning and we sat in the office for 2 hrs. yes, there were a lot of ill people and I felt like I didn't want to breathe for fear of catching something. Well, he is on flu meds. which are given only if the swine flu is caught early, he spent two days vomiting and well, I won't get into detail but he was not a happy camper! The dr. wants him in the house for 5 days and out of the cold because the swine flu tends to make people develop pneumonia and that is the danger of the swine flu. So, I'm playing doctor mom lol.

I'm becoming a hermit due to the cold. still trying to find a job since I've been laid off since March. Wish me luck everyone! The job market out there is not favorable.

well, have to make the patient something to eat.....chicken soup!

enjoy your day everyone!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Another New Year!

Happy New Year! Another year as well as another decade has gone by and we are entering a new year and new decade. I plan on making this decade much better than the last by keeping with my resolution to reorganize my lie and remain organized. Classes, a new job and perhaps even a date are on my agenda.

I am watching the SPCA commercial for abused animals this saddens me to think that human beings are so cruel and unloving to their pets I can only imagine what they do to their children and family members. Life in this country should not be this sad for animals and children. What is wrong with society today?

On another note, how is the weather in your area? It's cold here in Maryland and saturday calling for snow. It's winter afterall!

I have a lot of classwork to do this week and hoping to finish it all by Monday and then onto another unit! I cannot believe we are almost through this semester. Only one more year and I'll graduate with an assocates degree in Health Science, Medical transcription.

well, back to my classwork. Talk to you all soon. Joanne

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm working on unit 8 and unit 6b helped a great deal in understanding the paramedic method of revision, a process I've never used. I'm looking forward to finishing my paper and editing to hopefully make it a great paper!

So, is everyone ready for New Year's? I am not sure what I'll be doing in the way of celebrating but it's a new year and of course, new resolutions! I'm making a resolution I will keep, organizing my life! I feel I need to be more organized and what better time to start than in a new year!

I wish everyone a Very Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 26, 2009

well, it's Saturday and Christmas is over! Wow, all that shopping and it's over. Moving onto a New Year and I'd like to wish everyone a very Happy, Healthy and prosperous new year. 2009 was a difficult one for my family and I'm praying 2010 is a much better year or at least not as bad. My brother passed away in June 2009 and that took it's toll on my parents. I'm hoping the upcoming year they will be feeling much better.

Did everyone get what they wanted for Christmas? I ate too much, as usual, and I tomorrow it's back to my healthy diet and no more cake and sugar.

It's rained all day and the snow is melting but it was very nice having a white Christmas it's been long overdue.

Keeping up with class work during the holidays is moving right along only wish we had the time to just relax and not do any work but that's a dream lol.

I wish everyone a happy new year and good luck on your project papers.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it snow!

Friday, here in Maryland, we had a blizzard and 30 inches of snow! Needless to say,I spent a lot of time outdoors shoveling snow. In between I worked on my projects for Anatomy & Physiology II, Communications II and my software class projects. In between all that I made a pot of homemade chicken soup and baked a ham. I get into a cooking mode when it snows or rains sort of like a comfort thing for me lol.

Today is a beautiful day in Maryland and the snow is everywhere and it's back to classwork for me I need to finish my project outlines.

Good luck to everyone on your projects and outlines.
